
India urged to reform mineral exploration policies

Sumit Deb the outgoing President of the Federation of Indian Mineral Industries (FIMI) has called for comprehensive reforms to stimulate mineral exploration in India

Mining opportunities and challenges

Ritabrata Ghosh, Associate Head, Corporate Sector Ratings, ICRA writes on the mining scenario in India.

Mining Gains

The recent policy initiatives by the Central Government are expected to boost the mining activities in the country, providing new opportunities to private and global miners, and equipment and technology providers.

Mining Needs a Leg-up

For India to achieve its full potential in the mining sector, policymakers need to give a leg-up in lifting the mining sector on a high growth path. Jayanta Roy elaborates on the mining industry scenario in India.

Wheel loaders - Optimising Productivity

Cycle time is a critical success factor in all bulk handling applications. Ramifications of high cycle time even extend to bulk handlers securing business. Wheel loaders are extensively used bulk handling tools wherein high productivity is of essence.

Ready for Long Haulage

COMMERCIAL vehicle industry experienced one of the worst and the longest spell of recessions during last three years. However, the good news is that it is reviving now. The heavy-duty (HD) trucks industry hit the peak level in 2011 with a sales of 241,000 and it dropped to 130,000 in 2013.